Virtual Reality The platform serves the discrete manufacturing industry’s product development, design, sales and sales promotion to provide customers with advanced, easy-to-use, professional virtual reality applications and their overall solutions.

What is virtual reality technology?

Virtual Reality opens up new, exciting possibilities for training employees. Being able to simulate different scenarios from anywhere in the world. Virtual reality makes learning more visual; makes better learning more affordable and safer; can be implemented remotely and aids in the retention and recollection of training information.

When should virtual reality be applied to the industrial sector?

AR (Augmented Reality) Solution

Decoration display system combines data from a physical world to the one that was created with digital tools. Thus, the user sees the reality that is overlaid with suitable computer-generated information. In the world of augmented reality, your user can look around and through artificial objects of the expanded layer. In AR the computer algorithm uses sensors and markers to spot the current position of physical objects and determine a location of simulated ones.

VR Game Mode Training

Using serious game teaching methods to, to transform learning from passive to active.

Online Training, Online Assessment

Disrupting time and space restrictions, allowing training assessment participation at anytime, anywhere.

AR/MR Assisted EEG Evaluation

The application of VR, EEG and psychological analysis provides a multi-dimensional evaluation of the personnel’s skills and traits.

Personal data information feedback is given through immersive experience and multidimensional analysis of career adaptability.

Company Info

Through our deep understanding of the discrete manufacturing industry, we bring technological innovation to the industry.

Industry Insight
How much do you know about the digitalization of the industry? Find out what the technological developments have transformed the industry.

Check the schedule of industry meetings, events, and seminars. You'll have the opportunity to enhance your professional network at these meetings and events.

ZXtech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

ZXTech has been dedicated to the intelligent digitalization of discrete manufacturing industry for more than 20 years, and is the world's leading supplier of data-driven solutions. Based on its experience accumulated in the elevator industry, ZXtech has expanded to other discrete manufacturing industries such as air-conditioners, electrical motors, and assembly equipments. Its products and services cover the full life cycle of marketing, sales, design, installation and maintenance, and personnel training.